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I have worked in the insurance and investment world for the past 23 years and have been a licensed insurance agent since 2002. I live in a small town in central Wisconsin called Royalton with my fiancé, Shane, and my cat Harley. Small town living is where it’s at for me!


We love spending time with our children and grandchildren, but otherwise, you can find us riding motorcycles in the summer and snowmobiling in the winter. Since the area where we live doesn’t always get enough snow, we are frequent visitors of the Northwoods. The trails up there are phenomenal! We also love camping, kayaking, car shows and bike rallies. Anything that gets us outside.


As an assistant to a financial advisor and a licensed life and health insurance agent, I've taken many classes that covered all aspects of retirement. It was during the course of those studies that I realized my desire to help clients navigate the often-confusing world of Medicare planning and health insurance. My past work experience has provided me a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to guide you to the best solution for your insurance needs.

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